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Do We Still Need Art?

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I'm not much of a political person. And sometimes watching the world events unfold, as an artist, it really gives me anxiety. 

Not because of what will happen (although that may be a real factor) but how it makes everyone divided and on edge.

I just decided to turn it all off and go to my neighborhood coffee shop (more on that later), to get my matcha latte, and sit with a book for awhile. Just escape the barrage of news and headlines for a bit.


While relaxing in the coffee shop I typed into google:

"What would life be without art?" 

Because it seems like in times of uncertainty people tend to remove non-essential things in their lives.

So I wanted to see if my thinking about art being ESSENTIAL wasn't just because I'm an artist.

This is what comes up:

"The world would be stripped of color, texture and vibrancy. Without art there would be no cultural landmarks or iconic buildings to admire, no murals or sculptures to celebrate our shared heritage and no poetry or literature to illuminate the human experience."

The part I want to point out is "illuminate the human experience".

What does this mean exactly....well this is my interpretation.

To me it means that you want to enjoy your human experience as much as possible and art "illuminates" that, or brings to light all the 'good stuff'.

 Like what? 

Like a favorite poem or a favorite song. 

When you go for a walk and admire a beautifully designed heritage building.

When you really look at your favorite art piece on the wall, and all the detail.

When you admire that wall mural that you pass every day. 

When your favorite barista creates a "heart" in your coffee. 

These are all forms of art that would be dearly missed if we decided to dismiss art as "non essential".

It is a way to bring in the light, when the dark is oppressing us. 

What I'm trying to say is, if you are feeling a little anxiety about what's happening in the world (as I am) and need something to help ease that feeling; instead of grabbing a bag of chips, or watching cat videos;  try these:


Dig up those tunes you used to listen to when times were REALLY GOOD, and enjoy them with your favorite hot beverage.

Open your google photos and go to the date of your "insert good times here". 

Share with the person you are with and laugh at your outdated hairstyles.


Freshen up your living space with some visual art (shameless plug here), if that's your thing.



Cook your favorite meal, like a true chef that you are.


So much art around us, we take it for granted sometimes.

In the end, I hope our future generations will understand that art will always have a place in our human hearts, no matter what life dishes out.

How do you enjoy art, anything I've mentioned above or something else?

Hit reply, I'd love to hear your tips!

And now.....for our Local Shout Out


Gallagher's coffee house

So this is where you can picture me relaxing and destressing on a cold rainy winter day in Port Moody.

I know it's not as cold as a typical Canadian winter (we are very lucky here), however I have experienced an Alberta winter with -30 temperatures, so I am extra grateful for our mild winters.

However I digress.

This locally owned coffee shop @gallagherscafe located in the "village" is so perfect to sit in or outside and be right in the neighborhood. No speeding cars, or semi-trucks to take away from the cozy atmosphere.

Just quiet conversation, delicious drinks and some tasty sandwiches.

I am fortunate to live in a neighborhood with these local coffee shops so near.

So this is my shout out for I take solace in a hot cup of matcha on a rainy winter day.

Meet you there for a cup? Cheers!

For all you artists out there. This book "The Artnotes Collection" by Tara Leaver  is both inspirational and motivating.

What I love about it is that it's like Tara is having a conversation with you over a coffee, and telling you about her day. 

I was lucky enough to get this in a free give away, but you can buy it as well on amazon.

Tara talks about all the challenges and wins that artists' go through.

They are like reading short stories of her trials and tribulations, with excellent advice or lessons she has learned living her life as an artist.

If you are an artist or have an artist in your life, you might want to look at getting yourself a copy or gifting it. 

Highly recommend. :)

Till next time,

P.S. Coming up: Love is in the air ;)

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